Saturday, 31 January 2015

The fertility of chaos

Anaïs Nin once said, “In chaos, there is fertility”. This statement is extremely profound and encompassing, it is full of intellectual worth and value. However, for one to fully grasp its meaning and significance, they have to understand the concepts of fertility and chaos. This is important because, an understanding of fertility and chaos as individual concepts will subsequently lead to the discovery of the beauty in the juxtaposition of Nin’s assertion.
            According to the Oxford dictionary, the word ‘chaos’ can be defined as a state of complete disorder and confusion. Chaos is definitely not a foreign concept because we all deal with it on a day-to-day basis. Chaos is probably the only thing concept that is consistent and constant throughout our existence as humans. A Greek philosopher called Heraclitus once said, “Change is the only constant in life”. As much this is extremely accurate, it also validates my penultimate statement because with change comes chaos.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word ‘fertility’ as the ability to produce many ideas. Most people who have gained success and maintained it, possess a fertile mind and a fertile imagination. Fertility broadens horizons and expands perspectives and thought processes. People with fertile minds are trailblazers and they are never afraid to fail because they have plans B to Z to fall back on.
Fertility is the endpoint, the desired result, the big picture, but in order to get there it is important for one to pass through a stage of chaos. There are so many reasons why chaos is important, for one, passing through a time of obstacles and uncertainty helps increase value of the endpoint. The value that one attaches to their desired result will determine their ability to maintain it when they achieve it. Also, when people pass through chaotic times, it forces them to realize that they are a lot stronger than they thought. There is a popular saying that “one never knows how strong they are, until that is the only option”.
Every situation in life leads to a positive outcome and therefore a stage of complete and utter chaos is inevitable. A positive outcome is not necessarily the outcome one desired to begin with, it could be the outcome one had tried to avoid. An outcome that is perceived to be negative really isn’t, it is a learning experience. Learning how not to do something is just as important as learning how to do something. Gold is arguably the most precious metal in the world but it is no way excluded from chaos.
Childbirth is the most beautiful process in human existence but it definitely does not start out that way. First of all, I think it is paramount to establish that like life, every experience is different. Never use another person’s map for your own journey. However, there are few things that cut across all boards. For example, the bouts of seemingly unending and excruciating pain the mother experiences. Childbirth is a test of the mother’s strength as a woman and the strength of the foundation of the relationship she has with her partner.  Like childbirth, life throws at us many different situations; some of which are best dealt with alone, and others that require a solid support system and team. There is wisdom in knowing the difference.
Another process that comes with a lot of chaos is brainstorming. Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group. It is important because it makes the work easier and more effective in the long run. After the brainstorming session, after all the temper tantrums and meltdowns, everyone kind of finds their bearing and naturally slips into their specialized roles.  Brainstorming is a great way for one to discover their natural strengths and an opportunity to work on their weaknesses in a semi-judgemental atmosphere. It teaches skills that will be beneficial for life, skills such as patience, quick analytical thinking, how to work effectively in a team and alone and empathy.
There are many different stages in one’s academic career and for the most part, it is extremely chaotic. The most chaotic, however has to be the university application process. There are so many decisions to be made and there are so many people involved. For starters, deciding on a major is a daunting task and it has to be done right, because it will determine what happens in the future. There are so many options and usually your head and your heart are going in opposite directions, which makes it significantly more difficult to go through.  It is worth it though, because there are numerous benefits. I mean everyone wants to be rich, but what gives one the ability to stand out and be different and think outside the box is everything else your chosen path adds to you. In the end, if money is the only motivation, it is less likely that one will be willing to go through the chaotic stage, which makes it is less likely that one will reach the desired finish line.
FAMILY. Both the ones God chose and more importantly in this case, the ones you choose, also known as friends. I say friends are more important than biological family because one is less obliged to go through the chaotic part. For the members of most biological families, especially when a child is going through puberty, it is very tense. This is because teenagers fail to agree with their parents and a strain is often put on the relationship. I think the main source of tension is the fact that parents give advice based on their own experiences and their teenagers are frustrated because they are walking hormones and they think their experiences are totally different from their parents’, so its chaos. This may sound absurd but it is important for both parent and child to go through this phase, because this is when they both learn to compromise. The parents realize that their child is growing up and their child realizes they do really need their parents advice and support to survive.
For friends, it is important to decipher early in the friendship whether both people are willing to deal with the other’s excesses. Friendship requires a mutual appreciation and respect for one another but it takes most people a lot longer than it should, to figure that out. A person’s closest friends are the ones that they don’t feel like they have to be perfect for, the ones that one doesn’t hide their chaos from. Real friends help each other deal with their chaos and help each other grow and develop as people. Real friends are perfectly content in each other’s chaos. Most conversations I have with my closest friends are extremely heated but I always learn something. I either gain a new perspective on a topic or learn something new about the personality of my friend and that goes on to improve our communication and our relationship in the future. If after the chaos of a heated argument, I have gained nothing, it is an indication that the person is more of an acquaintance than a friend.

Chaos is a very important aspect of life because through it, we get to experience the richness and complexity of our existence, and there is always an opportunity for growth and evolution. If that is not beautiful, I don’t know what is. I think the message behind Anaïs Nin’s quote is panoramic and encompassing because it applies to life as a whole. There is also something very comforting about it, because it reminds us that when we get to those difficult moments and when we face certain challenges in life and the endpoint is difficult to see, in the midst of the chaos, we can be reminded that there is purpose and value and meaning in what seems to be nothing at all.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Just cause you asked....

Ok so, this is my first post this year and while that's very exciting, I figure I'd be the weirdo that I am and start out with a random 100 questions quiz I found with the help of our old friend, google. So, here goes nothing, ...
  1. What’s your favourite season? SUMMER!!!!!!!
  2. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. “How to cope with unemployment”. That was deep.
  1. Who was the last person you texted? My sister, Ulisan
  2. Before you started this survey, what were you doing? Watching random videos on YouTube
  1. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Chicago PD
  2. Without looking, guess what time it is. 8:05
  3. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 8:11
  4. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? The timer on the kitchen clock
  5. Do you tan or burn? Tan
  6. Do you like fish? Not particularly
  7. Mac or PC? Definitely MAC.
  8. Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes
  9. When did you last laugh? Actually, a couple minutes ago
  10. Do you remember why / at what? At a funny video clip on YouTube
  11. Have you ever been to Canada? I live in Canada
  12. Shoes, socks, or bare feet? Socks
  13. Do you wear perfume? Yes
  14. What is the last film you saw? The Other woman
  15. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Lagos
  16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? EVERYTHING.
  17. Where would you live if you could live anywhere? Just answered that
  18. What’s your favourite band? McFly, obviously...
  19. Have you ever had to have surgery?Yes, when I was a baby
  20. Do you enjoy school? Who does?
  21. What do you think of these questions so far?They don't seem to be heading anywhere
  22. Are you a righty or a lefty?Righty! 
  23. Who made the last incoming call on your phone?My sister, Maye
  24. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?A lecture for class
  25. Last time you swam in a pool?Sadly, last summer
  26. Type of music you dislike most? Techno
  27. Are you listening to music right now? Nope
  28. What’s your favorite colour?Coral or aquamarine or burgundy or grey
  29. Is there anything that you’re disappointed about?The weather 
  30. What was the last thing you bought?Doughnuts 
  31. Sun or Rain?Sun!
  32. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Are you crazy?
  33. What’s you zodiac sign? Aquarius
  34. What’s your hair color? Brown/Black
  35. What quote do you live by?You only live once 
  1. What’s your favorite zoo animal? Peacocks
  2. Do you have any pets? A dog called Rex
  3. What color are your eyes?Brown
  4. Do you wear any kind of jewelry 24/7? No
  5. Do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth? Sometimes
  6. Do you know how to change your car’s oil?No!
  7. Do you have any phobias?Height and water 
  8. What’s your lucky number?Don't have one 
  9. Have you ever eaten a crayon?Not that I can remember, but it’s possible
  10. Can you solve a Rubix cube? No
  11. What are you listening to right now?Silence
  12. Do you like Marmit?I have no idea what that is
  13. Do you wear the hood on hoodies?Nope
  14. Is the glass half empty or half full? half full
  15. What’s the farthest-away place you’ve been? Canada
  16. Do you untie your shoes before taking them off?When I am feeling patient, so, never!
  17. What’s your favorite radio station? Kiss FM
  18. Are you allergic to anything?Leak
  19. Were you named after anyone?Nope
  20. Do you wear glasses/contacts? yeah
  21. Have you ever walked out of a movie theater before the film was finished? No
  22. What’s your least favorite school subject? Physics
  23. Put your iTunes library on shuffle. What’s the first song that comes up? Dead wrong Trey Songz
  24. Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more?Jeans
  25. Where in the world would you like to travel? Japan
  26. Are you traveling anywhere soon?No
  27. Have you every built an igloo? No, but sounds like it could be fun
  28. Best thing at starbucks?Green tea lemonade with twice the pumps
  29. Do you like watching scary movies? With friends, yeah...
  30. What’s the best thing about school?Friends! 
  31. What were you doing at midnight last night?Watching a movie
  32. What’s under your bed?Nothing
  33. How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? Becoming a bit uninterested 
  34. Think fast, what do you like right now? My mum
  35. Are you sarcastic? Meh..
  36. What time do you get up? 10-15 minutes after my alarm goes off
  37. What was the name of your first pet? Truby
  38. What color are your sheets? Navy
  1. How are you feeling right now? Bored 
  2. What was your favorite food when you were a child? Jollof rice
  3. How are you feeling right now? Um, don't think anything has changed since the two seconds you last asked me this same question
  4. Can you whistle? Depends on who you ask
  5. Do you drink soda? Love soda
  6. Have you read the Harry Potter series? Nope
  7. Can you drive a stick shift?No
  8. What’s your favorite candle scent? Vanilla
  9. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?No
  10. Do you sing in the shower? Yep. 
  11. Can you speak another language?Pidgin
  12. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? No
  13. Dogs or cats?None
  14. Do you make wishes at 11:11?Nope
  15. What’s your favorite type of chapstick?Cherry
  16. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Egg
  17. What are you reading now? My bible
  18. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Don't know and it's too gross to find out
  19. Can you walk in heels? Not the really high ones 
  20. How many rings before you answer the phone?Depends on who it is
  21. Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?No
  22. What is most important in life?To be happy. 
  23. What Inspires You? People, mostly
There you have it, if you're reading this you are either really bored or a really good friend. Either, thanks and I hope it was fun...