Monday 21 March 2016

Yup I Know... She's still here

Dear September,
Yup I know… she’s still here. This is the one where we are still talking about Brooke Penelope Davis.
Ok, go!
-       Be Kind
o   Brooke Davis was a kind girl. In the purest and truest sense of the word. Again, she wasn’t always this way or should I say, it wasn’t always easy to see. However, once she realized that being kind wasn’t a sign of weakness, and vulnerability wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, she became more comfortable with the idea. Time and time again, Brooke put her friends and family first.
The single act of kindness that stands out in my mind was Brooke’s decision to move to Tree Hill from New York to support her best friend, Peyton Sawyer (story for another day). Now to give you some perspective, at the time, Brooke Davis was spearheading a multi-million dollar clothing company. If you know anything about the fashion industry, you will know that New York is literally the perfect location. What’s more, it is extremely difficult to get to a place where you are known and respected in New York especially. Brooke Davis knew these details all too well, when she made her decision to move to Tree Hill, a little town in the middle of nowhere.
Granted, moving to Tree Hill ended up being an amazing decision for Brooke but it definitely was not, at the time. One thing about Brooke Davis was that, she never let her dreams get bigger than her heart. Brooke was kind in such a pure and honest way that she was genuinely surprised every single time, someone else showed her the same kindness.
Kindness was never a huge deal to Brooke Davis. Giving up her career seemed just as easy to her, as smiling at a stranger. She even agreed to be a foster parent to a teenage girl called Sam, at one point. This was a typical reflection of the fact that Brooke always looked for the good in people, no matter how hard she had to work to find it, and boy did Same make it hard. In Sam’s case, I lost count of how many times she messed up and how many chances Brooke gave her. Brooke was willing to compromise her own safety and happiness to protect Sam. It is quite ironic but I think, Brooke was this way because, she identified with Sam. She knew that all Sam needed was some attention, an example, someone to look up, who was constant and consistent in their commitment to her. Basically, a person who was always in her corner and never gave up on her.
Before Sam, Brooke took on the responsibility of caring for a little girl called Angie, when she moved back to Tree Hill. Brooke heard Angie’s story through an adoption agency, and knew immediately that she had to help. Angie, was a six month old infant who had multiple holes in her heart. But her parents were too poor to fix it. Without the surgery Brooke organized, Angie would have died. So Brooke volunteered her time, effort and money to help Angie. She flew her to Tree Hill to see a specialist. She cared for her throughout the surgery and recovery process and sent her back home to her family when she became well. All this while, Brooke was fully aware of the fact that, Angie would never be able to return the favour but she did it anyway.  

Brooke’s huge heart was her strength, even though sometimes it seemed to her, like a weakness.

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