Tuesday 15 March 2016

Brooke Davis (part two of... haven't decided yet)

Dear September,
Just like I promised, this is the one where I tell you more about Brooke Davis. She is just so inspirational to me and I think that she truly embodies what it means to be a woman, flaws and all. Ok, let’s get into it…
-       Be Original
o    Brooke Davis is so clear in my memory because of her originality and her authenticity and just her ability to be true to herself no matter what. She never compromised on her true self or caved in to the pressure to fit in. While it would be noble and perfect to think of her in this way, the truth is that, Brooke like many people, took a while to fully grasp the blessing of being exactly who she is. In high school, Brooke like many girls, craved attention and because of her dysfunctional household, she depended on this attention. However, after high school, Brooke realised that, in order to survive in the real world, she needed to be exactly who she was. She finally needed to accept who she was and stop depending on people for validation. Brooke discovered the confidence one has, when they know they are the only one who brings a certain element to the table. She realised that originality and authenticity bring value. Being original is being creative and innovative. Being original is being aware of current trends but being courageous enough to set your own. Being original is being just as willing to take the road less travelled. Being original enables you to be excited not frightened by the unknown, because you know that whatever challenges you encounter, you will make them your own. Being original enables you to take risks and enjoy them. It is extremely important to love exactly who you are, because although it can feel like a burden, it is what created a magic about you, one that is just your own. If you copy someone else, you cheat yourself and others out of the magic I speak of. Copying someone is profound, it says that you do not think that you are enough by yourself, and this is a huge lie. Avoid anyone who encourages you to be like anybody else but yourself.
I think this is a safe place to address the misconception that one cannot be original and still have mentors or role models. It is very possible to be inspired by someone and still be your own person. This is because, at the end of the day, we all have different paths and journeys even if we all hope to be happy and fulfilled in life. Having a mentor does not necessarily mean copying every action they take. Having a mentor is like establishing a solid foundation. One learns essential and fundamental principles that have worked for someone they respect in the past. Many people take the actions of people they respect, literally and out of context. Do not be a ‘copy and paste’ kind of bitch. There is value in experiencing your own journey. Some of the most effective life lessons are learned through experiencing personal failures and learning from them. The ‘copy and paste’ method exempts one from scars and the chance to be brave in the face of difficulty. Scares are proof that you have experienced life and you are living it to the fullest. They are beautiful. Copying other people removes the element of uncertainty from life, and the need to use your gut and intuition.  Essentially, being original is what makes you who you are and you shouldn’t trade this for anything else. It is the biggest blessing.
Brooke Davis is beautiful because she is her own person. She accepts the woman that she is now and constantly puts in the effort to become the woman she wants to be.
                                                                                                             Hugs and kisses,


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