Friday, 13 January 2017

The Girl with the Green Scarf...

Dear September,
This is the one where I tell you that it is possible to change and evolve and grow and adapt and still be the person you are. I think this is important to talk about because it is the beginning of the year where people tend to set goals that they hope to accomplish in the year. It is important to talk about this now because people often get so carried away with trying to achieve perfection that they miss the magic they possess as individuals. People focus so extensively on correcting all their flaws, that they become oblivious to what makes them special and seem willing to give it up. And honestly, I can’t say that I blame anyone for feeling this way. You see, we live in a world that is weirdly obsessed with perfection but it is also a world that constantly tells us that we are special and we are capable of anything. This is noble and good and amazing but it also then unconsciously leads to us never being satisfied with who we are. We automatically want to be better and more perfect, whatever that means. We begin to believe that what makes us special isn’t our individuality, it isn’t who we are but what we have. We are a society so obsessed with materialism that being yourself and holding on to what makes you truly happy has become old-fashioned.
So, I guess this is a guide to authenticity and I hope this acts as a reminder that change is good and important but staying true to who you are is just as good and important and valuable. 
Ok, so here are few ideas on how to strike that balance.
          "Oo you've changed"... if you have never been hit with one of these by a person who you consider a friend, then you are doing something wrong. There's always going to be people who want you to stay in the same position forever and they are toxic. They are toxic because make no mistake, they do this because it serves them and them alone. People who get uncomfortable or annoyed when you change and grow and evolve, are people who think that they are entitled to you, your time and resources. This is weird and absurd and frankly, insulting. So, no, you're not crazy. It is your duty in this new year to have an honest conversation with such people or cut them out of your life completely. Besides some friends are meant to teach you something, and are only meant to be in your life for a period of time; so don't force it or beg anyone to stay. It is your duty to surround yourself with people who want the best for you. Friends who listen and are there for you but friends who also challenge you and push you harder than you can push yourself. Friends who will help you change and evolve and grow but who are also in a position where they can be honest enough to tell you if you begin to lose sight of who you are. 
I am sure you have heard me say before that your friend cannot be your mentor but your mentor can become your friend. This basically means that a mentor should start out as a mentor. You should actively select a person you think can be valuable to you and your journey and begin to establish a relationship with them. This relationship can blossom into a friendship but it should not start this way, as opposed to a friendship which should not be forced but allowed to blossom organically. 
            A mentor needs to be able to tell it like it is because they have nothing to lose. A mentor should be a person who shouldn't feel like they need to sugarcoat the truth. They should be someone you respect enough to value their opinion and they should be someone worthy of that kind of respect. They should have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in an area you are interested in. I think it is important to point out that a mentor should not be a person whose life you use as a roadmap for your own journey. May seem obvious, but just in case, I’ll just say that your journey may seem very similar to another person's, but it is not. The mere fact that you are not the same person as the next is enough of a difference. A mentor's life and journey should not be the copy to your paste. A mentor is good for tips and tricks and ways to avoid common mistakes that people make. But know that mistakes are good and a lot of the time, the mistakes that are unique to you are the ones that end up defining our journey. 
The only way to see if you have become a person you don't recognize is to look into a mirror. I would say start writing a diary but that can be quite time consuming. So, a better idea would be to summarize your day every day with a sentence of two. This way, you can actively think about your day and what you like and what you don't, what you achieved and didn't achieve. Also, it will be fun, not just at the end of the year but at the end of each week, to see how much you have grown. It is also a good way to hold yourself accountable and ensure you don't get lost in all the dreaming. 
Friends and mentors can also be quite important and influential in the reflection process. The right friends call you out on your bullshit but in the best possible way. Because you know that even though it may sting in that moment, they come from a place that is honest and genuine and wants the very best for you. 
To ensure that reflection becomes a daily habit, attach it to something you do without fail every day. It could be exercise or coloring, it's up to you. Reflection helps you to pinpoint certain mistakes you have made but also realize that you are not all bad. There are obviously things that you should change but overall, the parts of you that are good and worth keeping are more than the parts of you that made those mistakes. Reflecting allows you to see all of you. Reflecting allows you to forgive yourself and see the good in yourself when certain situations aggressively make it blurry. Reflection makes you happy because you see that you are not where you want to be but you are also not where you used to be. 
Failure gives you character. Failure defines your character. Failure decides both who you are and who you have chosen to be. It is not the failure that is significant but more so, how you react to it. Failure can be good. Failure is often the thing that lets you know that there is something about you that you need to change. It could be anything from pride or a negative attitude to an ineffective study method. 
Failure inspires either fight or flight, you need wisdom to decipher which one is the better decision. When you start something and you fail, you can decide to stay and fight and try it again. Or you can decide to quit and try something else. It is important to point out here that choosing to leave is not cowardly. Sometimes, courage is knowing what is best for you, trusting your intuition and making those difficult decisions.
One of my biggest inspirations and favourite girls, Sophia Bush once said “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” This is comforting to hear, especially in the context of a world that is constantly telling us that we need to pick a side. Being authentic is embracing your journey, being grateful for where you are and what you have achieved while still recognizing that there is more work to be done. So, sell all your clothes and get rid of all your excesses and flaws but keep the green scarf because it is more than a green scarf, it is very essence of who you are.
                                                                                                                             Happy New Year,

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