Sunday, 9 August 2015


           Let me start by saying, there is no one who is inspired every single second of every single day, but this in no way affects its significance. That being said, there are so many ways to stay inspired and I am going to share my top seven from personal experience, friends, family and of course our old pal (let’s forget I used the word ‘pal’) Google.  

(1)  Take a long walk
          As humans, it is in our nature to only focus on the negative. However, a long walk offers… a long walk offers… almost sounds like a resort commercial. Ok, back to my point. Long walks are amazing, you get to be alone and hear yourself think. Because sometimes you need to listen to yourself to realize that you are being totally ridiculous. Besides you never know what you’ll see and be inspired by, it could be a person or a song out of someone’s car.

(2)  Give!
          There is something about experiencing the need of someone else that makes you see that you have a lot more than you think. Whether it is through a gofundme story or physically visiting an orphanage, it actually truly helps. Also, if you can afford to give your time on a more permanent basis, find a place that supports a cause you are passionate about and volunteer there. I started volunteering during my International Baccalaureate Diploma Program in Ghana, but at that time it was nothing more than a requirement. However after a few months, I began to truly enjoy it. So when I moved to Canada for university, I also started volunteering at the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario and it has been fulfilling.

(3)  Write the way you feel
Sometimes you just need to de-clutter (don’t know if that’s a word). Sometimes, you have so much on your mind and because of that, you literally cannot get anything done. Many times, people have so much worry and anxiety about things they cannot change, and that is a  total and absolute waste of time. Writing could be personal, like in a diary or a journal or it could be more accessible to others, like through a blog. If writing is not your thing, then make a video or talk to someone you are comfortable with, whatever you do, get it out! It truly helps!

(4)  Create a vision board AND a bucket list
            Let’s start by differentiating between a vision board and a bucket list. A vision board usually contains career or family related goals whereas a bucket list is more fun and adventurous. Thinking about or reminding yourself of where you want to be in the future or what you makes you the happiest; could be the kick you need. A vision board is important because it helps you see yourself in the future and it helps identify things that you can do to get to where you want to be. On the other hand, having a bucket list helps you keep a good balance and frankly, helps you discover the magic in life.

(5)  Music always helps…
            I am a HUGE lover of music, I love music, in all genres and styles. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE JAZZ. But really, music just has a way of relaxing the mind. My favourites are Beyoncé, Ellie Goulding, Trey Songz and Chris Brown for pop/R&B. Kendrick Lamar and Drake for hip-hop, McBusted for alternative rock, MAGIC! and Bob Marley for reggae. My African favourites are Wizkid, Asa, Sarkodie and Fuse ODG. Sorry I forgot to mention that Soca is really good too, no favourites there. Point is, it helps to find an artist or a couple of artists you like, compile a playlist and go into a little bubble. You may not feel inspired immediately but it de-stresses you (just making up words today) and that definitely makes a difference.

(6)  Surround yourself with cool people
           Right, this is literally so important. What I love about the word ‘cool’ is that everyone has a different definition and that’s okay. But really, it is so important to surround yourself with positive, inspirational people. Remember, the people you hang out with are a reflection of who you are. This is not to say that you should not have a laugh, this is just to say that you need a balance. Hang out with people who you can learn from, who introduce you to new things, people who are truthful and people you can be truthful with. As corny as it sounds, only hang out with people who want the best for you. Most times, inspiration does not come from a huge speech, it comes from the little things like banter with friends at lunch. Always keep an open-mind and allow your definition of ‘cool’ to evolve.

(7)  Look at old pictures
           Old pictures bring back many thoughts, memories and feelings, which as you know, are the start points of most brilliant ideas. For the most part, look at old pictures that show you in a good place, a place where you are happy. Some pictures are bittersweet, because although they may remind you of a sad moment, it could put things in perspective and urge you to do something you had not thought of doing and that's worth it, if you ask me. Also, most people look at old pictures with family, and such an environment can cause better communication and repair strained relationships, which definitely frees up one’s heart and mind to be inspired.

I hope this helps and you become truly inspired. In the words of one of my biggest inspirations, Tom Fletcher, “inspiration is the first step to doing something great”.

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