Monday, 23 May 2016

The Right Kind of Crazy

Dear September,
            This is the one where I tell you that it’s okay to be crazy… Enjoy!           
An author called R.M. Drake once said…
“Love yourself… Then love other people
Trust yourself… Then trust other people
Be kind to yourself…
Be good to yourself”
            I think this quote is relevant and real and meaningful. I think this is a bold statement and a courageous way to start a necessary conversation. Drake dares to tell his audience to be self-confident and trust their own journey. I think this is particularly courageous because we live in a society that claims to embrace individuality and innovation and creativity. However, when a person does something in a way that is new or unconventional, society is quick to criticize and use words like “weird” or “quirky”. This is until they become successful, after which they become the best thing since sliced bread.
We are a society that neglects the process. We are a purely results-driven people. This is a crying shame because the process is the most important part. It is during the process that you have an actual chance to discover who you are as an individual. The process also allows you to have an honest and raw and true appreciation for the results. Success is sweetest after you have tasted failure.
            I think this quote assures us that “normal”, whatever that is, is very much overrated and “weird” and “quirky” is good. This quote encourages us to create our own version of “normal”. It persuades us to put ourselves first and realise that we are the captains of our own ships. It reminds us that there is no box and the only limits are the ones you create. In other words, you can literally do whatever the hell you want.
            Giving another person the power to determine your next move or the next course of your journey would be doing a huge disservice to you as a person. D.M. Dellinger once said “You are unrepeatable… there is a magic about you that is all your own”. Looking to others for validation and appreciation implies that you do not believe you are a capable human being. It ignores the magic you possess, the very one that Dellinger speaks of in this quote. When you constantly look for approval and acceptance and validation from other people, they become entitled and begin to think they have the right to an opinion on every decision you make. What’s worse is that you can’t blame them because you have given them that power.
            Success and true happiness require selfishness. The ones who survive and thrive in society today are the ones who realize early enough that selfishness is perfectly fine and sometimes, necessary. I do not think this is to say that you should only do what’s best for you. On the contrary, I think this is to say that when a situation arises in which you choose yourself, it is perfectly fine. You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty or feel like you need to explain your self, because sweetheart, you don’t. What’s weird and ironic is, putting yourself first can sometimes feel like a sacrifice, but it is absolutely necessary.
            I think the need for validation and immediate recognition is triggered almost solely by; social media. The inception of social media has caused an identity crisis and a shift in our core values. If I tweet someone and they do not reply me in two minutes, they are rude and inconsiderate. Or if I post a picture on Instagram, I begin to question my “coolness” when it only gets 5 likes in 2 hours. People have lost sight of what is truly important. People are living their lives for other people and slowing forgetting what makes them who they are.
I mean sure we are human, and validation from society is nice, but it should be the icing not the cake. Social media should be light-hearted and fun not a platform for interrogation. If you feel like you need to be someone else other exactly who you are on social media, take a break and re-assess. Also, remember social media is not an accurate reflection of someone’s life. It is a condensed, edited, filtered, pre-meditated, minute part of their life. So, you see… comparing your real life to a person’s Instagram is stupid, not to mention, a colossal waste of your time and energy.
            Technology has given people easy access to other people’s lives,, to where they now think they have the right to have an opinion on everything and everyone. People should focus and invest all the time they have into making their own lives better. It is time for people to take risks. TRY. DO. GO FOR IT. The worst thing that can happen is failure and even that is not so bad. Failure is only bad when it leads to fear or it leads you to doubt the magic you possess. Fear is only bad if you let it fester because when it festers, it cripples.
Trust your dopeness, stay in your own lane, believe that you have or you can get everything you need to live a life you are content with. Do not take advice from any Tom, Dick and Harry that offers it. Do not be idle, be focused and take advantage of every opportunity you get. Hold yourself to a high standard, push yourself, never settle for less than you know you can achieve. Look for new ways to motivate yourself, never give excuses and take pride in and responsibility for the work that you do. If you work to ensure that today, you are at least better than you were yesterday, and closer to where you want to be, you will not need motivation or validation from anybody else. THIS IS NOT ARROGANCE, IT IS SELF-CONFIDENCE and it is an extremely necessary and attractive quality.
            Here are a few tips that I am confident will be helpful…

Read - Like, know your shit!… There is just no way around this. Do as much research as you can. It does not inhibit your creativity to study the way other people have done what you want to do. At the very least, it prevents you from making the same mistakes. Plus, everyone is free to interpret things the way they will and make things their own; but there are fundamental principles that guide every phenomenon. It is important to remember that we live in a ruthless, unforgiving society so there are a thousand people waiting for your plan to fall flat on its face. This is not for you to feel an unnecessary level of pressure to impress people; if anything I think it is a push to strive for excellence. You owe yourself that much.

Have a plan – Have a flexible plan, but a plan nonetheless. Having a plan is like having a sketch, an outline. A plan allows you to focus on something, it allows you to aspire to something. A plan helps you to quickly identify when a person’s input is not in line with your vision, as opposed to realizing later and having to start all over. A plan saves time and effort. A plan establishes a means of measuring success. A plan ensures that you are doing something everyday to guarantee that your overall goal is achieved. Having a plan helps anticipate problems and possible solutions for them. Having a plan ensures that you learn from your mistakes and move on. Effective plans are simple and easy enough to articulate. Effective plans also have timelines, so there is no time for self-pity or licking wounds. Plans foster resilience, an incredible and invaluable quality.

I think it would be stupid and naïve to think that you achieve success by yourself but I also think that part of the story is talked about enough. We are all constantly reminded of the importance of building a network around us, of people who are able and like-minded. The network of people I speak of is not one in which you leach and parasite. It is one that allows your individual potential and determination to be noticed by the right people. But this network can only be helpful when you are able harness your potential and be determined to be the best version of yourself you can be. A place you can only get to if you are willing to make yourself a priority and really focus on discovering who you are, what your passion is and what truly makes you happy. Remember, it’s the people who are crazy enough to dream and believe that the magic they possess as individuals is enough, that are able to make these dreams come true…


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